Friday, December 6, 2013

Nelson Mandela and Santa Claus

Nelson Mandela passed away yesterday.  Far too many people, far more eloquent than I have already eulogized his passing, so I will not try to prove myself to be a greater wordsmith than others.

Perhaps, however, I can put in a good word for the DREAMERS.  Far too often we accept the world as it is, questioning whether we can truly change.  Now I understand the stain of sin, and I have no illusions as to our ability to perfect our hearts.  Yet, it would seem that even in the church, even at this time of the year, we settle when we know we can do better.

Do we not dream that the immense power that is available to us would be used to share gifts of hope for those who are hopeless, and justice for those who are downtrodden?  Do we not dream of a more perfect union, where a person is not judge based upon color of skin or ethnic origin, or even religious belief, but by the character of our soul?  Do we not dream that all God's children would have an opportunity to put their unique gifts to work for the betterment of humanity and stewardship of the earth?  And if these are our dreams, why do we give up on them so easily?

Today is St Nicholas Day in the church calendar.  St Nicholas shared his wealth to win release for the captive and offer security the impoverished.  St Nicholas not only preached good news but was an instrument by which good news was received by those who did not feel as if they were deserving.  How can we embody the spirit of St Nicholas this Holy Season as we distribute gifts of good news?  How can we, like Nelson Mandela, put aside our own aspirations and commit ourselves to the cause of those who have lost hope?  How can we follow in the footsteps of the Christ who stoops to wash the feet of the ones who will betray and desert him?

I hope we can still dream of this new world Jesus began, and I hope we will find ways to share that promise with those who no longer dream.


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